Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Gift We Can Never Repay

We have so much love and respect for Ciara's birthmother, Stephanie. She was confident in her decision to place but we know that doesn't make it any easier. Lots of happy and sad tears have been shed on both sides.

Oh- how we LOVE this woman! 

Stephanie's Dad, Grandpa Ed

We have loved the friendships and family we've gained having her a part of our lives. Blessings we never expected but are so grateful for.

Steph's mom, Grandma Lisa and Grandma Darla
Where she was co-workers with Stephanie's mom, it was really special to have Terra's mother come to the hospital and meet Ciara before anyone else.

We continue a beautiful, open relationship where we talk and see each other often. Stephanie's parents even babysit from time to time.
We LOVE adoption!

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