Wednesday, March 2, 2016

He Gives Us Exactly What we Need

Moving to Las Vegas, NV was exciting but it was hard to be away from family, especially where Ciara had lots of cousins her age. In just a short time we met lots of people we consider life long friends. After living there for just about 6 months, we started hearing lots of people were pregnant back in Idaho. Good friends, close cousins, even my sister and sister-in-law, all due the end of summer within a month of each other.

We were planning to put our adoption papers back in as soon as our 1 year mark hit because that's the required wait. I had always felt that our next one would be close in age to Ciara. Well, 1 year to the day we finalized Ciara's adoption was when our son's birthmother, Sara, first contacted us. We couldn't have been approved any sooner if we tried! We ended up meeting in person at her parents house for a BBQ on Memorial Day and found out she was due end of JULY! It was amazing. We met her and her family and we loved them, even if she wasn't planning to place with us. By the end of the evening she told us she did in fact want to place with us. It was kinda surreal. She had just graduated highschool. We prayed every day that she would continue to have this amazing strength at such a young age and that her decision would be best for her, the birthfather and her baby.

We got to know each other well over the next couple months. Sara invited me to be in the delivery room. I thought she was a little {crazy} at that point and was sure she would change her mind but she didn't;) It was an incredibly beautiful experience. Jared was born 2 weeks early in SLC, Utah before all the other babies that were due around the same time:) He was super colicky for the first 6 months of life. It was a challenge having a toddler and new baby - just 14 months apart! Once he grew out of the reflux and colic he became the sweetest, most gentle little man. He's now a mama's boy and I love that! It still amazes me that our loving Heavenly Fatther gives us exactly what we need when we need it. Our cup runneth over!

Cousins born within 5 weeks of each other :) Our Jared is on the left.

A Gift We Can Never Repay

We have so much love and respect for Ciara's birthmother, Stephanie. She was confident in her decision to place but we know that doesn't make it any easier. Lots of happy and sad tears have been shed on both sides.

Oh- how we LOVE this woman! 

Stephanie's Dad, Grandpa Ed

We have loved the friendships and family we've gained having her a part of our lives. Blessings we never expected but are so grateful for.

Steph's mom, Grandma Lisa and Grandma Darla
Where she was co-workers with Stephanie's mom, it was really special to have Terra's mother come to the hospital and meet Ciara before anyone else.

We continue a beautiful, open relationship where we talk and see each other often. Stephanie's parents even babysit from time to time.
We LOVE adoption!

"I didn't know my heart could love like this!"

May 2011 we got to meet and have our first family photo at the hospital with our little Ciara! We felt her spirit before we even knew she would be born. Such a special little girl. She had so much hair!! (I went to school and got licensed in cosmetology back in 2003, so I was super excited about that.) She was such a happy, beautiful baby! I remember thinking, "I didn't know my heart could love like this." I felt like my heart was now beating outside my body. 

She arrived two weeks early and fittingly it was the same week as Mother's Day... as well as our 5th Wedding Anniversary, a baby shower, a birthmother appreciation dinner (that I was making gifts for), Josh's college graduation where we had a BIG luau celebration planned! If that wasn't busy enough we got a call on the way to the hospital and Josh was offered a great job in Las Vegas, NV!!!

What a whirlwind of excitement that was, Ciara just didn't want to miss all the fun!! ;) 

A Purpose Bigger Than Ourselves

Early in our marriage we learned that Josh doesn't have sperm. Zero, zilch! The urologist said there's no surgery or meds, or hope of a child with his dna. Our world, and everything we thought we knew about our lives together was gone.  We both were devastated. Since I can remember I've wanted to be a mother. My maternal grandmother had 13 children, my paternal grandmother had 9, and my own mother had 7!! Family reunions, wedding and baby showers are basically what we lived for;) It was hard news to hear but then through friends, family, each other and relying heavily on the Lord we learned our life was never meant to be this way. Our purpose was much bigger than what we imagined for ourselves. Maybe you can relate?

Just because our life hasn't turned out the way we planned, doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be. We believe that our children were always meant to be brought to us through adoption. I don't know why this was the plan for us but I do know it's right. I don't believe in coincidences. I know, now, what I live for:)

This picture was taken the day we met Stephanie for the first time;) It was a couple months before she delivered. We both wanted it to be open and to start building this relationship. To be a fly on the wall the day we got that call.... One of our best days for sure!

Josh & Terra ❤

Josh and I met in the spring of '05. The first time I saw him I remember thinking, "that's the kind of guy I want to marry." I thought he was so cute and I was always trying to set him up with my friends. Then I realized he was SO cute and decided I should be the one dating him;) We dated for 7 months and then he proposed in February and we were married in the Idaho Falls ID LDS temple on May 6th 2006. This is my BEST day!!

Our adoption journey {10 years}

Our adoption journey has been an incredible experience for us! Here we are,10 years later, with 2 beautiful kids and now hoping to add another. We are so excited to share with you a little bit about our family. We can only  imagine what this must be like for you, searching profiles trying to decide what is right for you and your baby. Please know that we are praying for you and are willing to help were we can. If adoption is right for you and we are the right family... we hope you'll consider an open adoption relationship as we are hoping for one because we have found through our experiences, with our children's birthfamilies, that it's the best fit for our family. :: <3 ::